Updated: January 16, January 29, and March 11
Visa is changing the way fraud and chargeback risk is monitored. Check out our detailed guide to learn more about the new policy updates.
High-Level Overview
Visa is changing the way fraud and chargeback risk is monitored. Here are what we consider to be the key takeaways:
- Several existing monitoring programs are being consolidated into one.
- The chargeback ratio – and how it is calculated – has been updated.
- New thresholds indicate that the emphasis is on the acquirer monitoring their portfolio’s risk metrics.
- Even though the announcement is fairly detailed, there are some key elements that haven’t been disclosed yet. You will want to carefully monitor this initiative as it unfolds.
According to Visa, the new update is an effort to “strengthen acquirer risk controls…to minimise activities that adversely affect the ecosystem and reduce friction for customers.”
Visa anticipates these updates will take effect April 1, 2025. Further updates will take place in 2026.
The policy updates are being rolled out in ALL global regions. Originally, the announcement applied only to European acquirers and their merchants. However, the initiative has since expanded to other regions.
This update could impact your business in several ways. We suggest you read this entire article for the most complete understanding. But here are the essentials you need to be aware of:
- The math has changed. Your VAMP ratio could potentially be higher than your chargeback ratio was in the past — if you don’t use the right dispute resolution tools.
- Monitoring risk levels will be even more challenging. More factors go into the ratio calculation. This means you have to collect more data, and there could be accuracy issues.
- As is the case with any new policy update, acquirers and processors may be prompted to reevaluate their risk management strategy. If they decide to lower their risk tolerance, your merchant account could be in jeopardy.
- You could potentially pay more in fees.
- Chargeback prevention tools (CDRN and RDR) are now more important than ever. For some merchants, they might even be essential for survival.
- It’s getting harder and harder to navigate the world of payments on your own. You need access to experts you can trust. If you aren’t working with a payments solution provider or you don’t have confidence in your current partner, reach out to AltoPay today.
Introducing VAMP
Visa is introducing a new method to monitor acquirer and merchant risk.
Currently, Visa uses three programs to monitor payment risk:
- Visa Acquirer Monitoring Program (VAMP) – Acquirers are enrolled in this program if risk across the entire merchant portfolio is too high.
- Visa Fraud Monitoring Program (VFMP) – Merchants are enrolled in this program if too many transactions are reported as fraud.
- Visa Dispute Monitoring Program (VDMP) – Merchants are enrolled in this program if too many transactions are disputed.
Visa is consolidating all their risk monitoring initiatives into VAMP and retiring VFMP and VDMP.
The update also includes a new metric to monitor: enumeration ratios.
Enumeration is the criminal practice of testing stolen payment information, usually conducted at scale via technology. Enumeration is commonly referred to as brute force attacks, card testing attacks, or BIN attacks.
The VAMP update impacts all acquirers and their merchants.
The new policy is expected to take effect April 1, 2025 with additional changes on January 1, 2026.
It’s common for policy updates to evolve and change as they are implemented. Alto Pay is in regular contact with the team at Visa. We promise to keep you updated on any new developments. This article and LinkedIn will have the most up-to-date information. You can also reach out to us directly with any questions.
VAMP Ratios
Ratios have traditionally been the primary metric for fraud and chargeback risk monitoring — and this new update is no exception.
VAMP thresholds are based on two ratios:
VAMP ratio = monthly card-absent disputes / monthly settled transactions
VAMP enumeration ratio = number of monthly confirmed enumerated transactions / monthly settled transactions
Dispute Definition
The VAMP ratio combines TC40 fraud cases and non-fraud disputes. TC40 fraud cases are defined as any transaction that receives a TC40 report. Non-fraud disputes are defined as any chargeback with a reason code in the 11, 12, or 13 category.
On the surface, it may seem like this way of classifying disputes — fraud and non-fraud — is a bunch of unnecessary jargon. However, there are some implications to take note of. We’ll discuss those later in this article.
Certain TC40 cases and disputes can be excluded from your VAMP ratio. The following cases will not be calculated in your ratio:
- Resolved alerts via Cardholder Dispute Resolution Network (CDRN)
- Resolved Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) cases
- Order Insight inquiries that qualify for Visa CE 3.0 protection
UPDATE: January 16, 2025 and March 11, 2025
Visa has changed how the VAMP ratio will be calculated.
On January 16, 2025, Visa shared the following:
“The Cardholder Dispute Resolution Network will not be excluded from VAMP calculations.”
On March 11, 2025, Visa shared the following:
“Card-not-present fraud (TC40) disputes resolved with Rapid Dispute Resolution that include corresponding fraud notices will be included in VAMP calculations.”
We reached out to Visa to confirm the announcement and received a clarification.
- Non-fraud disputes resolved via CDRN and RDR will be excluded from VAMP calculations (because they stop the TC15s/chargebacks from happening).
- Fraud disputes (TC40s) resolved via CDRN and RDR will not be excluded from VAMP calculations — even if they do technically stop the TC15s/chargebacks.
What does this mean? Here are a couple of our initial thoughts.
- CDRN and RDR are still valuable dispute resolution tools. Both will remove non-fraud disputes from your ratio — just like they always have. Resolving a dispute means a TC15/chargeback is not filed.
- The decision to not remove TC40s resolved via CDRN is arguably a good thing. CDRN is managed outside of Visa technology. The other tools — RDR and Order Insight — use Visa technology. So VAMP ratio calculations will likely be much more accurate than if the math included data from two different systems. That being said, we can’t see an obvious justification for excluding RDR since it is Visa technology.
- Visa CE 3.0 — which is difficult to implement and maintain — is now the only way to remove TC40s from your VAMP ratio.
If you have questions about this update or how the ratio is calculated, feel free to reach out to our team.
VAMP Enrollment Criteria
In the past, Visa has had two types of monitoring programs:
- Programs that monitor an acquirer’s overall portfolio risk
- Programs that monitor individual merchant risk
Acquirers are enrolled in the program if the VAMP ratio for their entire card-absent portfolio exceeds the allotted thresholds. The program launches with an “excessive” classification. A second classification — “above standard” — will be introduced in 2026 with lower thresholds.
Merchants are enrolled in the program if their VAMP ratio is:
- greater than or equal to 1.5% (150 basis points) in U.S., Canada, Europe, CEMA, and AP
- greater than or equal to 0.9% (90 basis points) in LAC
Even if the acquirer’s overall card-absent portfolio is below VAMP thresholds, any merchant over the limit will be flagged as excessive. So merchants in an otherwise healthy portfolio could be enrolled, fined, and eventually closed.
The VAMP announcement also outlines minimums.
- An acquirer is only enrolled in VAMP if its portfolio has received 1,000 or more card-absent disputes (fraud and non-fraud combined) in the given month.
- A merchant is only enrolled in VAMP if it has received 1,000 or more card-absent disputes (fraud and non-fraud combined) in a given month.
While these are Visa’s official guidelines, there are still several unknowns about how these minimums will be implemented. Acquirers will probably manage minimums on a case-by-case basis. For example, some might wait until a merchant breaches both the minimum and the ratio. However, others might take action based on ratios alone.
We recommend you monitor this element closely as the initiative unfolds.
Exiting the program
The VAMP announcement does not include details on how to exit the program.
To exit legacy programs (VDMP, VFMP, etc.), merchants must drop below the given threshold and stay below for several months.
Additional clarity is needed.
UPDATE: January 29, 2025
During a VAMP explainer webinar, Visa clarified requirements of exiting the program.
If merchants can lower their VAMP ratio below the given threshold, they will exit the program the following month.
Merchants and acquirers that breach program thresholds will pay additional fees. Program fees for merchants are in addition to traditional chargeback fees.
While the announcement does a good job of transparently sharing fee amounts, there are a couple details that probably won’t be clear until after the initiative goes into effect.
For example, will you be charged the minimum amount outlined by Visa? Or will acquirers add on administrative fees before passing the cost along to you?
And when will fees be assessed?
Normally, fees would be charged after you’ve breached the program threshold. However, with the newly outlined structure, there’s a chance you could be charged program fees even if you aren’t enrolled in the program.
Check with your acquirer on what fees you can expect — and at what ratio.
Managing fees on a merchant-by-merchant basis could be quite challenging. To simplify workflows, we anticipate acquirers may increase upfront chargeback fees across their portfolio — regardless of enrollment status for them or you.
Again, these details likely won’t be addressed until after the program is live.
We suggest you keep a close eye on the initiative as it unfolds and reach out with any questions.
Fortunately, there are some things we do know today.
Visa has provided very clear suggestions on how to avoid the VAMP program and any corresponding fees. You just need to use proven-effective chargeback prevention tools to keep your ratios below thresholds.
How to Prepare For VAMP
1. Use suggested tools to keep ratios in check.
CDRN and RDR are two popular chargeback prevention solutions. And they can both help you keep your VAMP ratio in check.
While the functionality of CDRN and RDR is slightly different, they both achieve the same outcome. They allow you to refund disputed transactions to avoid chargebacks.
And if you can resolve the dispute without a chargeback, the case won’t count against your VAMP ratio.
When the program was first announced, Visa said that disputes resolved via CDRN and RDR would remove both fraud (TC40s) and non-fraud disputes from the VAMP ratio calculation.
However, updates made in January and March reversed that promise. TC40s will still be included in the calculation — even if the dispute is resolved.
Despite this setback, there is still value in using CDRN and RDR.
Prevention alerts are also provided by Ethoca — which refunds both Mastercard and Visa disputes. And there have been some questions about how Ethoca will factor into VAMP ratio calculations.
If a Visa dispute does not have a TC40 case attached to it, then resolving an Ethoca alert can protect your VAMP ratio because a chargeback is technically never filed.
If there is a TC40 case associated with a Visa dispute resolved by Ethoca, then the TC40 case would still count towards the VAMP ratio.
2. Create a system for reporting and reconciliation.
3. Stay Alert
It’s important to track this initiative as it unveils — for several reasons.
First, the new policy announcement is fairly detailed. But there are a few key elements that have not, as of yet, been disclosed. For example:
- How does an acquirer or merchant get out of the program? How long do you have to keep ratios below thresholds?
- When does an acquirer have to terminate a merchant?
- How will enumeration attacks be monitored and reported? Are fees assigned if the enumeration count is above the threshold?
- How will monthly minimums factor into the monitoring program?
Second, it’s very common for policy updates to change and evolve as a card brand moves toward actual implementation. Industry feedback and technical limitations may cause the rules to change.
We suggest you follow AltoPay on LinkedIn to receive early notifications of any major updates. You can also bookmark this page and check back frequently. If you have specific questions or things you’d like us to ask Visa, feel free to reach out to our team.
We also suggest you reach out to your account manager at your payment processor to see what insights you can gain about the upcoming policy change. For example:
- What are your current fraud and chargeback ratios?
- Does your processor have any advice on how to better manage your current situation?
- Can your processor share any insights on how they plan to address the new update?
Check in now and again closer to the implementation date.
Want help preparing for upcoming changes?
The new VAMP initiative will be here before you know it. Proactively make updates now so your business will be protected and compliant from day one.
If you’d like help preparing for VAMP, reach out to our team of experts. We have everything you need — CDRN, RDR, reconciliation reporting, professional insights, actionable advice, and more.

For more than a decade, Jessica Velasco has been a thought leader in the payments industry. She aims to provide readers with valuable, easy-to-understand resources.