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Integrate through a partner and automate

AltoPay will leverage our established integration with Ethoca and/or Verifi.
Once enrolled, issuing banks will use the applicable vendor (Ethoca or Verifi) to send notifications when disputes happen.
AltoPay will receive alerts on your behalf.
Our automation will look up the corresponding transaction in your CRM, order management system, or gateway via a pre-existing integration.
Once the alert is matched to the order, the technology will record the alert and issue a refund.
Our technology can make other updates if applicable — like canceling future billings and adding the customer to a negative list.
AltoPay will automatically send a response to the alert vendor, letting them know what action was taken.
The alert vendor will inform the issuing bank that the case has been resolved and a chargeback is no longer necessary.
All case data will be added to detailed reports within AltoPay to help you monitor outcomes and request credits.

Detailed, real-time reporting

Detailed, real-time reporting

Sign up with a partner and manually work alerts

AltoPay will leverage our established integration with Ethoca and/or Verifi.
Once enrolled, issuing banks will use the applicable vendor (Ethoca or Verifi) to send notifications when disputes happen.
AltoPay will receive alerts on your behalf, log each in our system, and notify you via email.
You’ll use the data provided by the alert vendor to manually locate the corresponding transaction in your CRM, order management system, or gateway.
While in your CRM, you’ll record the alert and issue a refund. If applicable, you’ll take additional actions such as canceling future billings, stopping fulfillment, and updating your negative list.
When all tasks are completed in your CRM, you’ll return to your AltoPay dashboard and let us know you’ve refunded the transaction.
AltoPay will send a response to the alert vendor, letting them know what action was taken.
The alert vendor will inform the issuing bank that the case has been resolved and a chargeback is no longer necessary.
All case data will be added to detailed reports within AltoPay to help you monitor outcomes and request credits.

Detailed, real-time reporting

Detailed, real-time reporting

Work directly with Ethoca and/or Verifi

You’ll integrate with Ethoca and/or Verifi.
Once enrolled, issuing banks will use the applicable vendor (Ethoca or Verifi) to send notifications when disputes happen.
Alerts will be logged in the alert provider’s platform. If you use both Ethoca and Verifi — which is the best way to receive the most complete protection — you’ll receive alerts in both platforms. So you’ll have two separate portals to monitor.
You’ll use the data provided by the alert vendor to locate the corresponding transaction in your CRM or order management system.
While in your CRM, you’ll record the alert and issue a refund. If applicable, you’ll take additional actions such as canceling future billings, stopping fulfillment, and updating your negative list.
When all tasks are completed in your CRM, you’ll return to the alert vendor’s platform and let them know you’ve issued a refund.
The alert vendor will inform the issuing bank that the case has been resolved and a chargeback is no longer necessary.
You’ll need to create detailed reports with data from both vendors to monitor outcomes and request credits.

Detailed, real-time reporting

Detailed, real-time reporting

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