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See full list

  • A01 Charge Amount Exceeds Authorization Amount
  • A02 No Valid Authorization
  • A08 Authorization Approval Expired
  • Fraud
  • C02 Credit Not Processed
  • C04 Goods / Services Returned or Refused
  • C05 Goods / Services Cancelled
  • C08 Goods / Services Not Received or Only Partially Received
  • C14 Paid By Other Means
  • C18 “No Show” or CARDeposit Cancelled
  • C28 Cancelled Recurring Billing
  • C31 Goods / Services Not As Described
  • C32 Goods / Services Damaged Or Defective
  • Authorization
  • F10 Missing Imprint
  • F24 No Cardmember Authorization
  • F29 Card Not Present
  • F30 EMV Counterfeit
  • F31 EMV Lost / Stolen / Non-Received
  • Processing Error
  • M01 Chargeback Authorization
  • P01 Unassigned Card Number
  • P03 Credit Processed as Charge
  • P04 Charge Processed As Credit
  • P05 Incorrect Charge Amount
  • P07 Late Submission
  • P08 Duplicate Charge
  • P22 Non-Matching Card Number
  • P23 Currency Discrepancy
  • Inquiry/Miscellaneous
  • R03 Insufficient Reply
  • R13 No Reply

See full list

  • 05 Good Faith Investigation Chargeback
  • AA Does Not Recognize
  • AP Recurring Payments
  • AT Authorization Noncompliance
  • AW Altered Amount
  • CD Credit / Debit Posted Incorrectly
  • DP Duplicate Processing
  • IN Invalid Card Number
  • LP Late Presentation
  • NF Non-Receipt of Cash from an ATM
  • PM Paid by Other Means
  • RG Non-Receipt of Goods, Services, or Cash
  • RM Cardholder Disputes the Quality of Goods or Services
  • RN2 Credit Not Processed
  • Fraud
  • UA01 Fraud: Card Present Transaction
  • UA02 Fraud: Card Not Present Transaction
  • UA05 Fraud: Chip Card Counterfeit Transaction
  • UA06 Fraud: Chip and PIN Transaction
  • Processing Error

See full list

  • 4807 Warning Bulletin
  • 4808 Authorization-Related Chargeback
  • 4812 Account Number Not on File
  • 4831 Transaction Amount Differs
  • 4834 Point-of-Interaction Error
  • 4837 No Cardholder Authorization
  • 4841 Cancelled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions
  • 4846 Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided
  • 4849 Questionable Merchant Activity
  • 4853 Cardholder Dispute
  • 4855 Goods or Services Not Provided
  • 4859 Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute
  • 4860 Credit Not Processed
  • 4870 Chip Liability Shift
  • 4871 Chip Liability Shift-Lost/Stolen/Never Received Issue (NRI) Fraud

See full list

  • 10.1 EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud
  • 10.2 EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud
  • 10.3 Other Fraud – Card-Present Environment
  • 10.4 Other Fraud – Card-Absent Environment
  • 10.5 Visa Fraud Monitoring Program
  • 11.1 Card Recovery Bulletin
  • 11.2 Declined Authorization
  • 11.3 No Authorization/Late Presentment
  • 12.2 Incorrect Transaction Code
  • 12.3 Incorrect Currency
  • 12.4 Incorrect Account Number
  • 12.5 Incorrect Amount
  • 12.6 Duplicate Processing
  • 12.6 Paid by Other Means
  • 12.7 Invalid Data
  • 13.1 Merchandise/Services Not Received
  • 13.2 Cancelled Recurring Transaction
  • 13.3 Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services
  • 13.4 Counterfeit Merchandise
  • 13.5 Misrepresentation
  • 13.6 Credit Not Processed
  • 13.7 Cancelled Merchandise/Services
  • 13.8 Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted
  • 13.9 Non-Receipt of Cash at an ATM


American Express

  • F10 Missing Imprint
  • F24 No Cardmember Authorization
  • F29 Card Not Present
  • F30 EMV Counterfeit
  • F31 EMV Lost / Stolen / Non-Received


  • UA01 Fraud: Card Present Transaction
  • UA02 Fraud: Card Not Present Transaction
  • UA05 Fraud: Chip Card Counterfeit Transaction
  • UA06 Fraud: Chip and PIN Transfer action


  • 4837 No Cardholder Authorization
  • 4849 Questionable Merchant Activity
  • 4870 Chip Liability Shift
  • 4871 Chip Liability


  • 10.1 EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud
  • 10.2 EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud
  • 10.3 Other Fraud – Card-Present Environment
  • 10.4 Other Fraud – Card-Absent Environment
  • 10.5 Visa Fraud Monitoring Program


American Express

  • A01 Charge Amount Exceeds Authorization Amount
  • A02 No Valid Authorization
  • A08 Authorization Approval Expired


  • 4807 Warning Bulletin
  • 4808 Authorization-Related Chargeback
  • 4812 Account Number Not on File


  • 11.1 Card Recovery Bulletin
  • 11.2 Declined Authorization
  • 11.3 No Authorization/Late Presentment

Processing Error

American Express

  • P01 Unassigned Card Number
  • P03 Credit Processed as Charge
  • P04 Charge Processed As Credit
  • P05 Incorrect Charge Amount
  • P07 Late Submission
  • P08 Duplicate Charge
  • P22 Non-Matching Card Number
  • P23 Currency Discrepancy


  • AT Authorization Noncompliance
  • IN Invalid Card Number
  • LP Late Presentation


  • 4831 Transaction Amount Differs
  • 4834 Point-of-Interaction Error
  • 4841 Cancelled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions
  • 4842 Late Presentment 
  • 4846 Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided


  • 12.2 Incorrect Transaction Code
  • 12.3 Incorrect Currency
  • 12.4 Incorrect Account Number
  • 12.5 Incorrect Amount
  • 12.6 Duplicate Processing
  • 12.6 Paid by Other Means
  • 12.7 Invalid Data

Cardholder Dispute

American Express

  • C02 Credit Not Processed
  • C04 Goods / Services Returned or Refused
  • C05 Goods / Services Cancelled
  • C08 Goods / Services Not Received or Only Partially Received
  • C14 Paid By Other Means
  • C18 “No Show” or CARDeposit Cancelled
  • C28 Cancelled Recurring Billing
  • C31 Goods / Services Not As Described
  • C32 Goods / Services Damaged Or Defective


  • 05 Good Faith Investigation Chargeback
  • AA Does Not Recognize
  • AP Recurring Payments
  • AW Altered Amount
  • CD Credit / Debit Posted Incorrectly
  • DP Duplicate Processing
  • NF Non-Receipt of Cash from an ATM
  • PM Paid by Other Means
  • RG Non-Receipt of Goods, Services, or Cash
  • RM Cardholder Disputes the Quality of Goods or Services
  • RN2 Credit Not Processed


  • 4853 Cardholder Dispute
  • 4855 Goods or Services Not Provided
  • 4859 Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute
  • 4860 Credit Not Processed


  • 13.1 Merchandise/Services Not Received
  • 13.2 Cancelled Recurring Transaction
  • 13.3 Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services
  • 13.4 Counterfeit Merchandise
  • 13.5 Misrepresentation
  • 13.6 Credit Not Processed
  • 13.7 Cancelled Merchandise/Services
  • 13.8 Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted
  • 13.9 Non-Receipt of Cash at an ATM

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