UK Shoppers: Frictionless Payments a Priority

April 27, 2022

Frictionless Payments have been growing in popularity in the last couple of years. So much so in fact, that in the United Kingdom, nearly 50% of shoppers consider it a priority, according to data revealed by Klarna on their Quarterly Shopping Pulse.

According to the data revealed by the global retail bank, nearly 1 in 2 Britons think retailers should put frictionless payments at the top of their priority list; Shoppers revealed they are looking to spend less time standing in queues or navigating long checkout forms online. The second priority should be adopting technologies that deliver personalized services, such as algorithms that provide product recommendations, or even digital recognition. 40% of younger shoppers believe augmented reality should start being invested in, and implemented by retailers in the form of virtual stores and dressing rooms.

Online Shopping

Klarna also inquired about the online behavior of the surveyed subjects:

57% of UK shoppers revealed they prefer online shopping over brick and mortar shops, as opposed to all other countries, as 76% of surveyed shoppers admitted they believe they will get a lower price, 74% think they will find a wider range of products and services, and 78% believe they will save time.

Google seems to be a favorite among Britons, as 42% use the search engine to find product information, and 41% prefer to go there first before trying a physical store.

UK shoppers are tech-savvy and their online shopping preference currently ranks ahead of all the other countries in our report. Brits crave digitalisation and expect retailers to invest in new technology that gives them a better shopping experience, especially when it comes to faster checkouts and frictionless payments

The influence of social media should not be overlooked, as 31% of correspondents admitted they bought an item after seeing it in a social media platform, and among those who purchased these items, 50% did it directly through the platform itself. Among Millennials, the most popular platforms are Instagram at 50%, followed by Facebook at 49% and TikTok at 41%. Gen X and Baby Boomers seem to prefer Facebook.


The influence of social media and online stores grows every year, as more people find it a convenient and comfortable way to shop. Retailers should be focusing on new technologies that allow customers to have a seamless experience.

Want to learn more? Check out The Fintech Times’ full write-up here.

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