eCommerce Across Europe Balloons through Pandemic

June 11, 2021

There’s been an explosion in European eCommerce since the start of last year’s pandemic.

The digital transition of both consumers and retailers accelerated online transaction by two to three years (and even five) in many countries.The accompanying lock-downs and limited store hours have led to increased online shopping throughout Europe

The shift from physical to online shopping is a trend likely to continue as retailers accelerate investments in eCommerce to the net benefit of consumers. Interviews across eight European countries—Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland—highlight varying trends:

According to Net’s Annual eCommerce Report,

“In the Nordic countries where we have historical numbers, we see that the growth in online purchasing of physical goods has been the largest in the 14 years since we started the surveys.”

What We’ve Gathered

The study also gives insights into popular consumer purchases. Clothes and food are among the top picks for consumers, a probable result of local lockdowns and discovering the convenience of online purchasing (primarily delivery). Electronics, including computers and smartphones beauty products and pharmacy items also proved popular in 2020. 

In Austria, physical good captured 68% of all money spent online (clothes and pharmacy items), while accounting for 58% of Denmark’s online purchase (clothes, food & alcohol, and takeout). Germany’s consumers had an insatiable thirst for online shopping: 75% of online spending went to goods, with 26 billion euros valued on clothes spend.

Want to learn more? Check out eCommerce News Europe for the latest updates. For more on post-pandemic consumer spending habits, see here.

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